
Posts Tagged ‘consequences’

Inches away from being America’s Fukushima: Nuclear plant dangerously close to being engulfed by Missouri floods

July 3, 2011 2 comments

“A nuclear plant was inches away from being engulfed by the bloated Missouri River after several levees in the area failed to hold back its surging waters, raising fears it could become America’s Fukushima.” Full article here.

Isn’t is rather disturbing when we can come so close to what would be a truly horrific disaster, with tons and tons of suffering, and yet life for the most part, just seems to continue on as if nothing is happening?

If this nuclear power plant were to flood, the repurcussions of this would effect everyone, not just the local people, just like the Fukushima disaster has had world-wide effects. We live in a closed-system where nothing is actually separate.

For the most part, it seems as though, most of us think this is ‘not my problem’ or that there’s ‘nothing I can do about it anyway’ – it’s just something you hear about on the news, and hope that it gets taken care of, by whoever is supposed to be taking care of such things.

For the most part, none of us even question that we even find ourselves in such a position – don’t even question how such a situation has even come to be. I mean, when we look at even just the most basic factors involved- a nuclear power plant built along a river – or even just a nuclear power plant, regardless where it’s built is insane enough considering the risks which we are fully aware of due to events such as Chernobyl and the catastrophic damage to life that has caused, the extensive cases of a whole variety of monstrous health defects, children born with all kinds of abnormalities, a bloated hospital system desparately trying to, and simply not able to, provide the needed care to all those suffering from that cataclysmic event still to this day.

Faced with the reality of the risks involved of which we’re well aware, why would we even consider to continue using nuclear energy? Well, actually there are many who are not aware. It is not something you see much in the news or learn about in school. And for the most part, our perception of what’s going on in the world, and what is important, is dependent on how and what is presented to us as important — we don’t seem to be able to determine for ourselves what matters — after all, we are generally taught and raised by our parents to believe that only ‘professionals’ or ‘authority figures’ can actually know, see, understand, and thus tell us what is important and what is not. We are not allowed to develop a ability to see for ourselves what is actually important.

Well, that is not entirely true — we are taught to see some things as ‘important’, because it was realized that if you can control what the individual sees as important, you can take advantage of that. Just look at some of the things that’s taught as ‘important’, like for example, ‘entertainment’ is taught as something that is an important and necessary part of one’s life, to make up for and to help one cope with the extensive amount of labor one must do to ‘make a living’ within the current system, and this ‘entertainment’ is even quite specifically defined into specific types of entertainment, all which are linked to a specific consumer market- i.e. movies, video games, alcohol, sports, etc. You’ll notice that, forms of entertainment that do not make money are not advertised. So, through this selective advertising, the human is trained to seek only some forms of entertainment — those which make money — and to ignore everything else.

This way, the human’s attention is ‘channeled’ onto these specific points of seeking entertainment, keeping the human occupied and distracted from what’s going on in the world that’s actually important. Like when power plant is inches away from becoming generations and generations of physical maladies like tumors and brain damage and various forms of real physical suffering.

The human is also taught there is nothing they can do it about- only the ‘professionals’ know what to do and can do anything about it, apparently. This is just another ‘trick’ to keep humans from actually doing anything — as long as they think there is nothing they can do, they won’t be able to do anything. All the various institutions that are currently responsible for disseminating information to the ‘public’, such as the television new stations, news radio, schools and universities, etc.– are businesses within and dependent on the current money system, thus they support the current system, and as such are not going to share information that would ‘threaten’ the current system. They are not going to share with the public how the system operates so that the public could actually be participants in the creation and operation of the system- because if that were the case, most people would not choose to allow the system to continue the way it is now.

Most people would rather not live in a world where so much suffering is allowed to go on, every day, every second. Where children are subjected to needless horrific tortures. Where we must spend the majority of our lives slaving away at some irrelevant job that only serves to make someone rich at the expense of the well-being of life- like nuclear power plants.

This is why at Desteni, we are standing up from within this current system, to say that there is another way, and to expose the massive deception that’s taking place and has been for some time — to show that we do not have to accept the system as it is, and that we can live in and create a world where none have to suffer– we are debunking all the lies and misconceptions that’s been propagated so that we’ll accept the current system as it is, despite it’s deleterious affects on ourselves and our world. Desteni is humanity coming together to say ’till here no further’ will we accept and allow such atrocities to be committed, which only lead to more and more suffering. We are standing up and taking self responsibility to create a new system in which life will be supported, where all will ‘profit’ from our labors — not only a few as in the current system, while the rest toil and suffer the consequences of such an abusive system.

If you are ready to stand up for a world where we can actually Live as who we are, as our Real Expression as Human Beings here on this Earth — where we should be the Custodians of this world — not the destroyers of it — join us at Desteni in bringing about a world where we can live in Dignity and in a way which is Best for All – where none must suffer or experience the horrific consequences of nuclear radiation, where we can consider how to do things in such a way that actually supports life here, and does not destroy the very ecosystem as nature as that which we actually require to live and exist here in the physical.

If you’re ready to participate in something that is Real for once, and not simply a marketed form of entertainment designed to channel your attention into a specific market for someone’s profit to keep you distracted from what really matters here — join us at the forums at the Equal Money website, where we’re busy developing the new system which will support us as life here, to live as how we would have really liked life to be — as a world free from suffering and exploitation, where we can actually have time to enjoy ourselves and express ourselves as physical beings here!

The Book – Equal Money System will Release September 2011 — Subscribe to the book newsletter to receive a notification when it’s available.


REPOTER, DAILY MAIL. “Inches away from being America’s Fukushima: Nuclear plant dangerously close to being engulfed by Missouri floods.” Mail Online. Associated Newspapers Ltd, 21 Jun 2011. Web. 3 Jul 2011. <;.